Meeting: |
Executive |
Members: |
Councillors Carl Les (Chairman), Mark Crane, Gareth Dadd, Keane Duncan, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Heather Phillips, Janet Sanderson, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson. |
Date: |
Tuesday, 18 March 2025 |
Time: |
11.00 am |
Venue: |
Ryedale House, Old Malton Road, Malton, YO17 7HH |
This meeting is being held as an in-person meeting that is being broadcasted and recorded and will be available to view via The meeting is also ‘hybrid’, which enables people to attend the meeting remotely using MS Teams. Please contact the Democratic Services Officer whose contact details are below if you would like to find out more.
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Recording is allowed at Council, committee and sub-committee meetings which are open to the public, please give due regard to the Council’s protocol on audio/visual recording and photography at public meetings, a copy of which is available to download below. Anyone wishing to record is asked to contact, prior to the start of the meeting, the Democratic Services Officer whose details are at the foot of the first page of the Agenda. We ask that any recording is clearly visible to anyone at the meeting and that it is non-disruptive.
1. |
Apologies for Absence
2. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 February 2025
(Pages 5 - 10) |
3. |
Declarations of Interest
4. |
Exclusion of the Public |
Members are recommended to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of each of the items of business listed in Column 1 of the following table on the grounds that they each involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph(s) specified in column 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information)(Variation) Order 2006:-
5. |
Public Participation |
Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice to St John Harris, Principal Democratic Services Officer, and supplied the text by midday on Thursday 13 March, three working days before the day of the meeting. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item. Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak: · at this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes); · when the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting. If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Leader who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
6. |
North Yorkshire Autism All-Age Strategy 2025-2030 |
(Pages 11 - 190) |
That North Yorkshire Council Executive adopts the North Yorkshire Autism All-Age Strategy 2025-2030
7. |
North Yorkshire Council Local Development Scheme |
(Pages 191 - 218) |
8. |
Community Infrastructure Levy Spending and Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24 |
(Pages 219 - 278) |
i) To agree the proposed amendment to the CIL spending process. ii) To agree no spend of the strategic CIL pots until the above changes have been implemented. iii) To reconfirm the allocations previously agreed. iv) To approve the 2023/24 North Yorkshire Infrastructure Funding Statement (Appendix B) and publish it on the Council website.
9. |
Second Homes Council Tax Housing Fund Framework |
(Pages 279 - 298) |
i. To approve the establishment of an Affordable Housing Delivery Fund and a Rural Housing Delivery Fund.
ii. To delegate the development of the Affordable Housing Delivery and the Rural Housing Delivery funds (including eligibility and assessment criteria and subject to appropriate subsidy control advice) and entering into the associated grant agreements to the Corporate Director Community Development in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources and the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services.
iii. To extend the Community Led Housing Fund by 1 year and to increase the fund by a further £1m.
iv. To approve the delivery of a “Place of Change” on the coast and the associated cost of £4M subject to a detailed business case to be approved by the Executive.
v. To approve the development of a Commissioning Framework for Supported Housing and the associated cost of £12M.
vi. To approve the expenditure of £100k per annum to support the implementation of the Renter’s Rights Reform Bill.
vii. To approve a capital fund of £4M to deliver bespoke housing solutions and supported housing schemes that address specific needs subject to a detailed business case being developed.
viii. To approve a capital fund of £2M to deliver flexible area-based housing that is not eligible for Homes England funding support subject to detailed business cases.
10. |
Housing Revenue Account Policy Framework |
(Pages 299 - 324) |
i. That the proposed HRA Policy Framework is agreed.
ii. That authority to approve the HRA policies within the framework is delegated to the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing
iii. That where policy decisions have already been taken by the Executive (para 4.7) future review of those policies will be delegated to the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing.
11. |
Repairs Standard |
(Pages 325 - 370) |
i. To approve the Repairs Standard at Appendix A, having had regard to the Equality Impact Assessment at Appendix C. Launch of the Standard to be no later than 1 May 2025, in line with the roll out of the new asset management system.
ii. To delegate to the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing) any future changes to this Standard required by changes to legal or regulatory requirements arising in the three year period before the policy is due for review.
12. |
Acquisition of new build properties in Scarborough and Norton for use as affordable rented accommodation to take into the Housing Revenue Account |
(Pages 371 - 386) |
That the Executive
i. Approves the acquisition of 19 new build properties in Scarborough and Norton
ii. Delegates authority to the Corporate Director Resources to finalise the funding strategy.
13. |
Management Options for Scarborough Museum and Galleries |
(Pages 387 - 400) |
i) To progress termination of SMCCT’s Service Level Agreement and bring the museum and gallery service back into direct Council management within the Culture & Archives Service, as set out in Option One. ii) To delegate authority to agree the final terms of and the authority to enter into these agreements with SMCCT to the Corporate Director – Resources in consultation with the Corporate Director – Community and Development and the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic. iii) To approve a transition budget of £56k to support the delivery of a safe and legal transfer of services, funded from Corporate Reserves.
14. |
Review of Household Recycling and Waste Collection Guidance |
(Pages 401 - 434) |
i. That the adoption of a harmonised household recycling and waste collection guidance document to support the provision of frontline services is approved.
ii. Authority be given to the Corporate Directorate Environment in consultation with the Executive Member to make appropriate changes to the approved guidance document to reflect the progression of the waste harmonisation project.
15. |
Forward Plan
(Pages 435 - 448) |
16. |
Any Other Items |
Any other items which the Leader agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances
17. |
Date of Next Meeting - 15 April 2025
Members are reminded that in order to expedite business at the meeting and enable Officers to adapt their presentations to address areas causing difficulty, they are encouraged to contact Officers prior to the meeting with questions on technical issues in reports.
Contact Details: |
Enquiries relating to this agenda please contact St John Harris Principal Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01723 383556 or e-mail:
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive